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Personal - Financial Health Check

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Health Check. The following questions are designed to identify whether there is a potential fit for financial coaching. Please note, you are under no obligation from this Health Check but your feedback is invaluable to me.

How would you describe your style of Day-to-day money management?
Do you currently create a budget and do you use it to review your finances?
Which of the following statements describes how your household is keeping up with bills etc?
How do you feel about a discussion around money management?
How would you describe your current financial scenario?
How many months would you be able to live off your savings?

For the purpose of this quiz, please exclude superannuation.

What is your financial focus in the next 2-5 years?

Choosing from the list below, write in order of priority.

  • Investing

  • Buying A Home

  • Debt Management

  • Paying Bills

  • Retirement

Thank you for taking time out of your day to complete this Health Check.

​Depending on your situation this could be a turning point. ​I look forward to working with you. If you have indicated your interest I'll be in touch.​ Have a lovely day!​​

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